Why I love Remix and Mapbox




Mapbox is just better with Remix

Over the past few months, I have spent a lot of time combining Remix and Mapbox. Overall, I think it has been a great experience. Allowing users to co-locate database calls alongside front-end code and treating templating and type communication as a first-class citizen has simplified my development process.

Switching from a backend framework that uses Mapbox has given me some interesting perspective on how to best build server-side rendered (SSR) mapping applications. While this article will cover why I love Remix, I hope to share more details in future articles.

Remix Concepts

  • Loader - The section of a route file that loads serverside data to pass to the route page.
  • Action - The section of a route file that handles post functions.
  • Page or Default Export - The section of the route file that handles displaying data
  • The Third Render or Canvas - The place where the html canvas (Mapbox container) is displayed on the page

Loading States

When it comes to the web, we generally talk about server-side and client-side loading. However, in reality, the Mapbox canvas does not start loading on the server. Therefore, even though Remix provides server-side rendering out of the box, the canvas does not start loading until the payload is delivered to the client.



One of the best features of Remix is its ability to communicate out-of-the-box types from loaders and actions throughout the application. When you return a Prisma query from a function, you can access it on the client and the types are automatically passed over.

Although there have been a few issues with the third render of the Mapbox canvas, I think the Remix methodology aligns well with the way I have always wanted to build React applications.


Frameworks are subjective to the developer's concerns. For me, as someone who dislikes dealing with client-side queries, endless hooks, and prefers type safety out of the box, Remix fits the bill.

With Remix, I can easily access data in my database, properly process POST requests, and keep the data on my page up-to-date with optimistic updates. It works great with my workflow of building PostGIS functions and visualizing them in Mapbox.

While there are still some caveats with The Third Render, my experience with Remix has been great. I have not had to reach for anything else, and all the tools seem to be there.

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